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Reconnecting with Peace amidst the upheavals of life

Bumblebee on Thistle


How do I hold onto the great Peace I experience in nature amidst the upheavals of daily life?

My Dear Ones,

Know that the Peace you experience in communion with nature or in other sacred encounters is your very own nature. There is recognition of what you might call “Home” and its call and its draw are irresistible. You are being called back to that which is your ground, your source, and your true Life. You are never separate from that though that is your experience when you are pulled and pushed around by the myriad upheavals of life. Just as your mind and spirit are calmed when you recall with feeling the true loves of your life, consciously reconnect with the great Peace and the open heartedness that arises when you are in communion with nature. You will always be supported in this step toward greater consciousness.

My Love to you Dear Ones,


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